The Vision of the Central Texas Conference

In August 2023, the extended cabinets of the Cental, North, and Northwest Texas Conferences of The United Methodist Church met to define our shared vision and priorities to focus and unify our work and ministries together to meet the needs of the mission field in Texas. Together, with the guidance of The Holy Spirite, the team discerned that our vision is indeed the “why” behind our missional mindset and efforts.

"We are followers of Jesus seeking the loving, just and free world God imagines for all people."

Each word was carefully considered and selected, with an eye toward defining who we are today and who we will be in the future.

  • We are followers of Jesus... We know that we don’t have all the answers and that we’re not blazing a new trail. We’re following Jesus, the incarnate Son of the Living God, who came and lived among us and demonstrated The Way. We are modeling our lives and ministries on Jesus' example and teachings
  • ...seeking the loving, just and free world... This is the world as it should be - as we know it will be. A world without discrimination, without violence, without pain. A world where we all live, love and thrive under God’s perfect will.
  • ...that God imagines for all people. This future is not exclusive, and it’s not a secret. It is on each and every follower of Jesus Christ to share God’s vision and to make disciples of all nations.

This vision is in no way intended to supercede the mission of the Central Texas Conference. Our mission steadfastly remains to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World. This vision is intended to amplify our mission, to clarify to all why that mission is so important, so necessary in our United Methodist work and ministries.

To access and download images related to the vision go to