Volunteers in Mission: The UMVIM motto, “Christian Love in Action,” is taken from 1 John 3:18, in which Christians are asked to love “not in word or speech, but in truth and action.”  Living our faith is at the very heart of our Christian calling and Methodist heritage.  These perspectives reflect the purpose that has grown out of our understanding of who God has called us to be:  people of God who express “Christian Love in Action” by the power of the Holy Spirit to make disciples of Jesus Christ to transform the world.  We do this by serving domestically and internationally as the heart, head, hands, and feet of Christ through organizing teams for various mission work such as:  construction, primary/traditional education, Christian education/VBS, medical/dental, evangelism, and other types.  However, our task is secondary to our primary purpose of sharing the love of God in ways that make a Christian difference.