Real Discipleship Survey

Where are the people in your congregation on their faith journey?

Utilizing the online Real Discipleship Survey Tool created by Phil Maynard, members of your congregation can easily determine where they are on a continuum toward maturity within six dimensions:

  • A Life of Worship
  • A Life of Hospitality
  • A Life of Generosity
  • A Life of Opening to Jesus
  • A Life of Obeying Jesus
  • A Life of Service

Each participant receives an immediate summary document along with a report describing each of the dimensions, where they are, possible "next steps" on the "pathway," and suggested resources for growth.

The church administrator also receives a graph indicating percentages of participants in each level of development for each dimension. Church leaders can then examine the data from the entire congregation and better determine how to help others continue to mature in faith.

This is a great resource for the planning and development of a discipling process.


To Create an Account:

  • You must contact Rev. Amber Massingill ( to create an account login, password, and survey code for your church
  • Once the Center has created your account, see below to log in.


Instructions for Church Administrators to Log In:

  • Go to
  • Click the button that says: “Church/Ministry Login”
  • Log in with your email
  • Enter the password the Center provided you
  • Here you can view the survey results and overall statistics. You can also find the user code to give to individuals who will be taking the survey.


Instructions for Individuals in your Congregation to Take the Survey:

  • Go to
  • Click the button that says: “Take a Survey”
  • Enter your information
  • Be sure to enter the code provided by your church or ministry
  • Click the “Login Now” button
  • Click one box of each color. You will notice that as you make your choice, the rest of the boxes of that color will grey out. Icons have been provided to help identify related choice.
  • Click “Submit Survey” once all choices and been made and all boxes are greyed out.
  • Once the survey is filled out, you have two options to submit your survey and view results.
    • “Display Full Results” will show your results in HTML format, but will not send you an email.
    • “Display Full Results With Email” will show your results in HTML format, but will also email you a copy of the results in PDF format.


contact us

For more information about the Real Discipleship Survey Tool, please contact Rev. Amber Massingill, Associate Director of Faith Formation.
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p - 817-877-5222