In 2018, the Smith Center for Evangelism, Mission, and Church Growth (CEMCG) launched a three-year initiative that provided grants and resources to be used to launch new faith communities throughout the Central Texas Conference. The New Faith Communities (NFC) launched with the help of the NFC Grant have been able to reach and connect with persons that before they likely would never have had the opportunity to reach. By stepping out in faith and engaging in fresh expressions of "doing church," while being willing to be guided by the Holy Spirit and led by pastors and congregations open to try new things and take risks in the name of Jesus Christ, these New Faith Communities are leading the way in our mission and Wildly Important Goal (WIG) to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Following the conclusion of the initial NFC Grant initiative in December 2020, the CEMCG leadership assessed and restructured the NFC process for 2021-2023. Phase II of the NFC Grant initiative features four levels of grant options - all designed to allow the conference to energize and equip churches as they continue to reach out to their communities in new ways and to continue to fulfill our mission and reflect the CTC’s Wildly Important Goal of making disciples of Jesus Christ.
The Phase II NFC grant options include:
  • $1000 Micro-grants
  • $5000 NFC Re-Launch Grants
  • $10,000 NFC Grants
  • $25,000-50,000 NFC Partnership Grants

New Faith Community Grant Information

$1000 Online Faith Community (Formerly Microgrant) - Click here to Apply

The $1000 Online Faith Community Grant is designed to assist with the costs of equipment to provide online worship, small group studies, and other digital outreach. This grant is intended to help churches grow their online presence, reach new people and stay connected to their existing membership, expand their digital ministry reach, and more effectively make disciples through today's technology.

$5000 Relaunch Grant - Click Here to Apply

The past three years have produced a variety of New Faith Communities. Many have become fruitful ministries, some have had marginal success, and others have failed. There were also many NFCs that were forced to go on hiatus during the COVID-19 journey. The COVID-19 pause has provided an opportunity for churches with a New Faith Community established via the 2018-2020 initiative to relaunch, revitalize or restart their NFC. After reviewing and reassessing their existing NFC initiative, churches are encouraged to apply for this relaunch grant with the goal of intentional growth, discipleship and expanding their community reach.

$10,000 New Faith Community Grant - Click Here to Apply

This grant is for the first-time New Faith Community focused on reaching people we are not already reaching. It can be a community that is launched on the church campus, another location or online. This grant is intended to reach a larger number of people - the initial benchmark for this NFC attendance is 100.

$25,000-$50,000 New Faith Community Grant

This grant has a unique purpose and is designed to help a church begin a significant New Faith Community at a much higher level. The minimum goal is to reach 200 or more new people (people the church is not already reaching) in a distinct and new church style. This might be a New Faith Community meeting on the existing campus, another location that could be considered a second campus, or a new entity that is in relationship with the existing and parent church.

What Needs to be Included in a Request for a Grant 

 In your Request for a Grant please include...
  • List the specific grant you are requesting - $1000 Micro-grant; $5000 NFC Relaunch Grant; $10,000 NFC Grant; or $25,000-50,000 NFC Partnership Grant.
  • If requesting one of the $1000 Micro-grants, include the basics of what is being purchased - the specific cost, where the online presence will be enhanced and/or expanded and any other pertinent information you wish to include to highlight how the technology will be used to reach new people.
  • For either the $5000 NFC Relaunch Grant or the $10,000 NFC Grant, the proposal should include the following:
    • Specific accepted vision and mission for the NFC and how it integrates into the church's overall vision and mission;
    • Specific costs and where they will be applied;
    • Names of those who will lead and who will be on the team;
    • The target demographic to be reached by the NFC;
    • Metrics and narratives;
    • Timelines;
    • Location of the NFC;
    • How will this make disciples and what is the pathway to discipleship?;
    • Was the NFC approved by the Leadership Council or Board? When?
    • A first-year plan of implementation and operation;
    • Any other helpful information you wish to include to highlight how the NFC will reach new people.

(The NFC Relaunch and NFG Grants must be approved by Bishop Saenz).

  • To request the $25,000-50,000 NFC Partnership Grant, please contact Rev. Meg Witmer-Faile, Associate Director of Smith Center Evangelism, Mission and Church Growth at

Each proposal should be emailed to your District Superintendent and Dana Dickey at​ the Executive Assistant for the Center or Evangelism, Mission and Church Growth.  If you have any questions please feel free to email the Associate Director. 

What qualifies to be considered for a grant?
  • Wesleyan
  • Includes a consistent (at least weekly) worship experience
  • Celebration of the sacraments
  • Has an identifiable pathway to discipleship
  • Celebrates and seeks professions of faith
  • Teaches and practices stewardship
  • Receives new members
  • Remains accountability and connected to the Central Texas Annual Conference
  • Is a sustainable model (has the financial, spiritual, and numerical strength to exist long-term allowing the existing congregation to step up to a higher level in life and mission).
Churches approved for a grant must provide a quarterly report on the status of their New Faith Community to Dana Dickey, CEMCG Administrator and their District Superintendent.