Throw Open Wide the Doors - A New CTC Video Narrative

January 23, 2020

Rev. Mike Love and Epworth United Methodist Church were about to start a new sermon series on Mr. Rogers, "A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood." As a part of this series, Pastor Mike invited Arlington Life Shelter to come to Epworth United Methodist Church to see their facilities. 

Arlington Life Shelter, unbeknownst to Epworth, was encountering a good problem. Their ministry was growing so much that they would need to expand their facilities. Expansion to facilities has its logistical issues, as we in the local church can well understand. Because of the construction, Arlington Life Shelter would have to move to another location to keep their ministry going while construction was happening.

The question finally came after being shown the Epworth UMC's facilities, "Pastor Mike, would you and your church house us during this time?" 

As this went to the administrative council, and the church was swift, people from the church (older members to young people), "Why in the world wouldn't we do this?" This opportunity would affect the church's weekly scheduling, but  believed so crucial that people young and old came together to say: 

"Yes, come on in."  

As you watch and share the following video about Epworth UMC's decision to partner with Arlington Life Shelter, consider what could your community need you to partner with them? How can you throw open wide the doors of the church to your community?