FUMC Belton Brunch Church - A New CTC Video Narrative

January 29, 2020

Amazing things happen in the life of a local church when leadership comes together and prayerfully considers “What is God calling us to do?” Amazing things can happen even faster when that local church also engages with its local community and employs some of the modern tools available today like MissionInsite to better understand their mission field.

When Belton First UMC first began to research how they could best reach out to new people in new ways, they were surprised to discover how many young and single parent families lived within three miles of the church. Belton FUMC soon began a Brunch Church service – a service full of food, conversation, music and relationships – as a way to extend the love of Jesus to their immediate community.

Please check out the short video below to hear more about this growing service from a few of the folks who were and are instrumental in this New Faith Community which is making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world