A Jingle Bell Jog with Our Community - A New Video Narrative

December 11, 2019

Last Friday (Dec. 6), the Central Texas Conference Service Center Team had the opportunity to join their Project Transformation colleagues serve as the hands and feet volunteers at a neighboring elementary school. This was not an event planner, organized and/or promoted by the conference. Rather, this was a chance to support and be a Christian witness at a community-driven known as The Jingle Bell Jog. “The Jog” is a long-standing tradition of D. McRae Elementary School in Fort Worth, with the proceeds going to benefit the Poly United Community Center. By going out and getting to know some of their neighbors and learning more about what they have going on, the CTCSC team was afforded the opportunity to do something central to the Advent season – they got to be present. By going out INTO its local community and simply making, bringing and serving hot chocolate and water, cheering on and chatting with the participating students, the CTCSC team was indeed blessed to be a blessing.
There is never a time in scripture where you will read where Jesus called the community to go to the local church. However, you will find that Jesus regularly commands the church -  the kingdom of God - to go out into the community. What would it look like for your local church and/or faith community to GO out to your community? How can YOU be present this advent? We are sure that this is the rule rather than the exception for many out there. So be sure to visit www.ctcumc.org/wigstories and share your stories with the folks listed at the top of the page. In the meantime, please take a few short minutes to check out the following short video about the CTCSCs Christmas joy in helping with the 2019 Jingle Bell Jog.