Glen Lake Camp Cancels All Summer Programs for 2020

On March 18, Glen Lake Camp followed the guidelines of the CDC and Texas DSHS to cancel guest groups and close the campus. At that time plans for the camp’s summer program were still in full effect. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has not subsided as quickly as hoped. As such, Glen Lake Camp has made the difficult decision to cancel all regular summer camp programming for the Summer 2020 season.
The staff leadership and Board of Directors explored all possibilities in their efforts to develop modified plans to try to continue to offer life-changing experiences this summer through their summer camp program, but the timeline for modification has expired. Camper safety is the camp’s number one priority and concerns over the Coronavirus (COVID-19) limit their ability to have campers onsite this summer season. Camp leadership hopes to receive specific guidelines from the Center for Disease Control and Texas Department of State Health Services for camp and retreat centers in order to create a safety plan for future programs and events.
Please pray for the future ministry of Glen Lake Camp and for the Glen Lake Camp community as campers, parents, volunteers, and staff are all disappointed with missing a summer of fun and growing in their faith. The 81-year legacy of Glen Lake will continue as camp leadership finds innovative and creative ways to survive this crisis. Please be in prayer for their leadership team and consider giving to Glen Lake through the upcoming North Texas Giving Tuesday Now on May 5th or through