Outside the Box: The Gift that Cannot be Contained

Church-wide Sermon Series and Multimedia Bundle Focuses on Advent Season

From United Methodist Communications
At a time of year when most people are focused on what is inside the box—whether it is gifts they are giving or getting, “Outside the Box,” the latest sermon series and multimedia bundle produced by United Methodist Communications, is an opportunity to explore Christmas in a new way. 
The four-week  sermon series is about how God used even the least likely Biblical characters like Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and the innkeeper,  to do miraculous things.  Designed to challenge congregations to reach out to people beyond the margins, “Outside the Box” encourages participants to find those who have been forgotten, ignored or turned away from life’s inns so that they may be welcomed. Weekly themes are Expectations, Acceptance, Family and Yourself.
Now available as a free download, the series is equipped with reflections for small groups, youth and young adult engagement tools, children’s activities and worship ideas, help for sermon planning, teacher lessons, and more.  The comprehensive 70-page study is designed so that the entire church can participate—including those with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
A multimedia bundle, which includes the series, ($25) includes five videos to make messages come to life (for worship or small groups), bulletin and worship slide graphics and outreach resources to engage the community.  These items are customizable in Microsoft Word or Adobe Photoshop. There are also tips for online engagement, family-friendly worship ideas, and an Advent wreath lighting liturgy.  It is available for purchase at www.umcom.org/outside.

For more information about “Outside the Box: The Gift that Can’t be Contained” and Rethink Church, call (877) 281-6535 or email Rethinkchurch@umcom.org