$10,000 UMCOR Grant Made Available to the Central Texas Conference

Emergency Financial Assistance from UMCOR is On the Way.
Feb. 19, 2021
Mrs. Betty Alexander (left), executive assistant to Bishop Mike Lowry witnesses Bishop Lowry (right) signing the letter to UMCOR officially requesting an emergency relief grant to the Central Texas Conference. The UMCOR Grant will release as much as $10K is emergency financial assistance to the conference.
Bishop Lowry has officially requested an emergency relief grant from the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). This grant will provide as much as $10,000 to the conference to assist local churches with damages and other needs related to the recent severe winter weather. Please contact your District Area office (ctcumc.org/districts) for more information on how to apply for funds via this UMCOR disaster relief grant. District Superintendents will work in collaboration with the CTC Disaster Relief Coordinator Susan Luttrell in this process. Local Churches are requested to contact their insurance provider before requesting the emergency assistance.

As temperatures finally begin to climb above freezing in Texas and frozen pipes begin to thaw, pipes that burst during the deep freeze will begin to leak and could cause damage quickly. Authorities suggest that you locate the main water shut off valve to your building(s) and be prepared to shut off the water as quickly as possible if a leak is discovered in order to reduce the amount of damage caused by a leak.
The District Area Discipleship Teams are working to assess the damage to local church facilities across the CTC. If you have suffered damage related to the recent severe winter weather, please contact your District Superintendent even if you've no plans to apply for funds available through the UMCOR emergency grant.