A Christian disciple is one who knows, loves, and follows Jesus. But how do we learn to love God and follow Jesus? Discipleship is not taking a class and joining a church or church group. Becoming a disciple is a life-long process of opening ourselves to God and responding to God’s grace. In that process, we become more like Jesus.
These Stepping Stones can help your church create life-transforming practices that form disciples and enable them to mature in their discipleship. The Stepping Stones can be experienced separately or placed together for even deeper spiritual formation within the context of a program, class, or group. Our hope is that churches will go deeper and explore further what it means to be a Christian disciple today using these Stepping Stones.

- “Lord, teach us to pray.”-Lk 11:1
- Prayer and Spiritual Disciplines help us tend to our inner life, the place where God’s transformation begins.
- All age-levels, individuals or groups, seekers or seasoned veterans can deepen their faith though prayer and spiritual disciplines. To learn more click here…
- “Were our hearts not burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” –Lk 24:32
- Knowing and Loving Scripture is a primary way that we become acquainted with God’s will and ways, with Jesus, and with the story of God’s people.
- Local churches who can both engage mental learning and ignite passion for the Word will grow deeper Disciples. To learn more click here…
- “Lord, if it is you tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said.” –Mt 4: 28
- Immersion Experiences pull Disciples out of the familiar and immerse them in a way of life where they learn to be attentive to God at work.
- One of the most helpful ways to keep Disciples growing in Christ is to offer them immersion experiences where they encounter God anew. To learn more click here…
- “My command is this: love each other as I have loved you.” -Jn 15:12
- Intentional Christian Community goes beyond mere social fellowship as we extend radical grace to ourselves, our neighbor, and the stranger.
- Even one small group who experiences a deeper level of authentic community will impact their church and world. To learn more click here…
- “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me.”-Mat 11:29
- Mentoring is an essential component of Discipleship where knowledge, wisdom, and skills are passed on to others.
- Churches and church leaders need to recover the habit of mentoring to make and grow Disciples of Jesus of Christ. To learn more click here
- So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed. Because of his words many more became believers.” –Jn 4: 40
- Cross-Cultural Exchange with people who are different from you helps Disciples discover new perspectives on self, God, and faith.
- Discipleship is not only vertical growth toward God, but also horizontal growth toward our human brothers and sisters. To learn more click here
- “Unless I wash you, you have no part with me.” John 13:8
- Gifts or Means of Grace are intentional opportunities that we use to share God’s grace and call people into abundant life.
- Many church programs can be deepened simply by incorporating more intentional acts of grace. To learn more click here…
What Stepping Stones have been missing in your life or the life of your church?