Shoes For Kids - A New Faith Community WIG Video Narrative from Hico UMC

August 14, 2019


Sharing God’s love in a tangible way is at the heart of a movement that’s reached far beyond the walls of First United Methodist Church of Hico. You might call it a Wildly Important Goal (WIG) set by the United Methodist Women in 2006 – years before the phrase was coined and became our focus here in the Central Texas Conference.  It went something like this: Let’s see how we can help the children in our community start school on the right foot. Look below for a brief video about a shoe drive that’s become part of community-wide clothing, hair-cutting, vision-testing, relationship-building and, yes, shoe-fitting event to kick off the school year. “It’s Christ’s love that we all at one time or another have felt that we are giving away to someone else,” said Cynthia Golightly, a longtime member of FUMC Hico. “It’s to show that they’re loved and appreciated right where they are and just like they are. And isn’t that what we all want?”
The Central Texas Conference's Wildly Important Goal (or WIG) is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. One of the most successful ways that churches are activating the WIG and growing their church in size and importance to their community is by launching New Places for New People to get to meet and know God through His son Jesus Christ. "Shoes for Kids" at First United Methodist Church of Hico, TX is one of the many examples of these new ministries for new places and people that are active across the Central Texas Conference of United Methodist Church. 

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