"Jesus is Judged by Pilate" Station 5 of the 2022 Lenten Video Series Cross Walk

March 15, 2022

Bishop Saenz continues his new video series for Lent, “Cross Walk,” today with Station 5 – “Jesus is Judged by Pilate.”

In Station 5, Pontius Pilate, the Roman Govenror of Judea at the time of Jesus' crucifixion, questions Jesus not because he finds any fault in him, but because the Sanhedrin pressures him to do so. The Sanhedrin handed Pilate a classic “conflict question” and pressured him to decide in their favor. Any answer Pilate would give would produce negative consequences for him; politically or of his own consciousness. Pilate’s alternatives are undesirable. His ruling will either damage his political aspirations or further alienate his subordinates. This paradox leads us to examine our own decisions when faced to do what is popular vs what is right.

Click on the video below to view Station 5 of Cross Walk and hear more from Bishop Ruben Saenz Jr.