"Jesus is Condemned by the Sanhedrin" - Station 3 of the 2022 Lenten Video Series "Cross Walk"

March 08, 2022

Bishop Saenz continues his new video series for Lent, “Cross Walk,” today with Station 3 – “Jesus is Condemned by the Sandherin.”

We like to be right. We get baffled when people don’t share our narrative or sense of reality. We get irritated and frustrated when “they don’t get it,” or “can’t see what’s in front of their nose”, don’t we?  We have the tendency to believe that the world would be a better place if others changed and came around to our way of seeing things while we in turn struggle with the humility and openness to change how we think. The Sanhedrin had collectively adopted a narrative with information that favored their biases and conclusions about Jesus; that is, Jesus was religiously dangerous. He openly opposed Oral Law, he claimed to be the Messiah, and he was growing in popularity with the people.  

This Lenten journey is a contemplative pilgrimage through Christ’s sufferings, death, and burial based on fourteen biblical Stations of the Cross found in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Please visit ctcumc.org/crosswalk for links to download and save/share this video and to access all the videos available in this series.