"Jesus Forgives Those Who Crucify Him" Station 10 of the 2022 Lenten Video Series Cross Walk

April 02, 2022

Bishop Saenz continues his Lenten Cross Walk Journey by contemplating Station 10 of the Cross - Jesus Forgives Those Who Crucify Him.

Forgiveness, humanly speaking, is hard, yet it is one of Jesus' most mentioned topics and something he ultimately modeled and taught from the cross. Our capacity to forgive others has limits. Sometimes, people die without forgiving a perpetrator because they can’t let go of the anger, resentment, hostility, bitterness, sense of injustice, and thoughts of revenge that have taken root. Yet, forgiveness has little to do with the perpetrator but has everything to do with liberating our lives from the bondage and shackles of anger, bitterness, and the need for revenge. Forgiveness is a gift we give to ourselves, an act of emotional, mental, and spiritual healing.

One of Jesus’ last pastoral acts during his earthly life was to offer forgiveness, showing a hostile, revenge-driven, and hate-filled world a new way of life. Today, we pray for God’s grace to forgive those that have trespassed against us in word, thought, action, or inaction.

Please click on the player below to hear much more from Bishop Saenz on the 10th Station of the Cross.