"Jesus Commits Himself to God" Station 13 of the 2022 Lenten Video Series Cross Walk

April 12, 2022

The Cross Walk Lenten journey continues as Bishop Ruben Saenz Jr. leads us in contemplating the 13th Station – Jesus Commits Himself to God.  Luke 23:44-46 
A 2021 article by hospice physician Dr. Karen Wyatt provides experienced observations about why some people die in peace, and some don’t. She finds that the way a person dies is reflective of the way they lived. Jesus lived a good and purposeful life in obedience to God and in service to others. Jesus was willingly obedient to God throughout his life and ministry. Innocent of the crimes that led to his crucifixion, he calmly and fearlessly faces death. At his last gasp on the cross, he commends his life into God’s gracious hands. He breathes out his last breath with trust in God, confident that death was not the end.
Dying, Christ destroyed our death. Rising, Christ restored our life. Christ will come again in glory. Our inevitable death and dying will be the last opportunity we will have to give witness to the blessedness of our life in Christ and to give witness to our trust in God to those we leave behind.  
Today, we pray for the grace of God to lead us through our years, living well so we can die well, committing ourselves without fear to God who will receive us into the arms of his mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious company of the saints of light through Jesus Christ our Lord.