Jambalaya Soup for the Soul

January 18, 2019

by Susan Craig*
As Christians, we never outgrow our ability to be disciples and to make disciples, and we’re never too young to begin the journey. On Jan. 12, volunteers of all ages spent part of their Saturday on a makeshift assembly line at Arlington Heights UMC (Fort Worth) packing 20,000 jambalaya lentil soup kits.
Not only did the event offer an opportunity to be a disciple, it was also an opportunity to grow a few. Becka’s daughters, Ava and Lilly, (pictured above) were decidedly pleased to put on hairnets and work beside their mom. This was a mission project that will have an immediate impact on the local community, as the soup kits are distributed to food-insecure families.
The productivity and fun were captured on video at www.facebook.com/ahumc. As the English playwright John Heywood would say, “Many hands make light work!”
*Susan is an Area Administrator for the Central Texas Conference Service Center and a regular contributor to ctcumc.org.