Hallelujah Food Pantry Feeds the Hungry of Hewitt in Many Ways

March 25, 2019

Those in need are eagerly offered the Love of Jesus, a Bag of Food & an invitation to come to worship at Hewitt FUMC
by Rev. Cynthia Moss, pastor, Hewitt FUMC / photos courtesy of Hewitt FUMC
What better way to show love, serve God and give to others than by feeding the hungry, offering words of hope and caring, and providing an ear to truly listen to others? First United Methodist Church of Hewitt has been doing just that for nine years now via the Hallelujah Food Pantry. The pantry was started by the ladies of the Rebecca Circle of the United Methodist Women here at Hewitt. They enlisted the help of the United Methodist Men and gained the support of the church. 
The Hallelujah Food Pantry, a ministry of the Hewitt FUMC's Rebecca Circle of UMW, began in 2012 and gave out 151 bags of food - in 2018 that number had tripled to 444 (plus an immeasurable amount of Christian love and support to the small Central Texas community).
Prayerfully, in 2012, they stepped forth in faith and began to transform a small room at the back of the church. It was lined with shelves and stocked with non-perishable food items, paper goods and grocery bags. With smiling faces, loving hearts and willing hands, the people of Hewitt FUMC gathered together to give of their time and talents to serve those in need out of love for God. Then and there, a ministry was born. 
On the second Wednesday of the month, volunteers gather to pack bags and hand them out to those in need from 5 to 6:30 p.m., or until we run out of food (which sometimes happens). We average about 10 volunteers each month who pack bags of food or paper goods, hand them out to guests or carry them to the car – always with a smile, a kind word and a sincere heart. 
The Hallelujah Food Pantry has gone from providing a total of 151 bags for families in 2012 to 444 bags in 2018. The word getting out to those in need is that we are a caring organization that truly helps those in need without judgment. 
Some of the UMM volunteers of the Hallelujah Food Pantry
Recently, after a conversation with a recipient of food from our pantry, which included a warm invitation to worship with us, a woman arrived on Sunday morning and brought her mother. They worshipped with us for a couple of months before a move out of the Hewitt area made it no longer possible. We continue to offer everyone the love of Jesus, a bag of food and an invitation to worship with us and become a part of our family in Christ. 
As we strive to love like Jesus loved, give like Jesus gave and serve others like Jesus served, it is our hope that God moves in the hearts of those with whom we come in contact on this ministry journey. It is in these close moments where walls begin to crack and light shines in the darkness. If we can hold the light while God makes a way, we, ourselves, are living into our own course of discipleship. 
To quote Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” We strive to make all feel loved by Jesus as their basic needs are met. We continually pray that our faithfulness will bear fruit in others in the name of Jesus. 
CTC WIG – Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world

FUMC Hewitt’s Vision – A place for loving, serving, giving