Growing like Topsy - A New CTC Video Narrative

March 12, 2020

Like many of the local churches in the Central Texas Conference, Couts Memorial UMC offers an after school program for the children and youth of their community. Recently, they added something new that has seen participation in their Wednesday gatherings skyrocket. What is this new, secret ingredient that has resulted in the program more than doubling in size and is making new, excited and committed disciples? Well, the addition is neither a new nor secret concept – it’s called worship. Couts simply provided an opportunity for children, youth and adults to come together and worship and it has not only grown the after school program but the entire church has experienced a renewal as new people, young and not so young, have been introduced to Christ and are excited about the ministries Couts UMC has to offer.
We invite you to watch the following video and see more about how the power and love of relationship with Jesus Christ as experienced through worship has transformed lives and the fabric of Couts Memorial UMC.