FUMC Cleburne Gather, Grow, Go Podcast - A CTC WIG New Faith Community Narrative

October 10, 2019

The Central Texas Conference's Wildly Important Goal (or WIG) is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. One of the most effective and exciting ways we do this by launching New Places for New People to get to meet and know God through Jesus Christ - something the Central Texas Conference calls New Faith Communities. First United Methodist Church in Cleburne, TX, has introduced a unique, new(ish)-media twist on the New Faith Community initiative via their "Gather, Grow, Go” podcast.

The Gather Grow Go podcast is a short weekly conversation between Pastor Daniel Hawkins, Pastor Melissa Turkett and the FUMC’s Cleburne’s Contemporary Worship and Digital Communications Director "Just" Kiefer. A podcast is an episodic series of digital audio files that a user can download to listen, but according to "Just Kiefer," it's much more than that. 

The Gather, Grow, Go podcast has become an essential connecting point for church members, church attenders, and anybody that subscribes to this podcast. "Podcasts are like my second faith community, and there are a couple that I listen to religiously, and they have become a way for us to have a conversation," remarked “Just Kiefer."

When people connect with someone that listens to the same podcast, there is this powerful connection between two people, because they have experienced a conversation together through that podcast experience. FUMC Cleburne has established a New Faith Community through podcasting, that can go anywhere and reach anyone. Check out the following video to see what this unique podcast is all about.