Equipping and Empowering Laity is at the Core of the Revitalization Underway at First UMC Watauga

March 05, 2019

Fresh paint and new carpet in the church nursery and improved lighting in the parking lot are some of the immediately visible parts of a revitalization project underway at First UMC of Watauga. But those outwardly obvious updates are just part of the. The core of the revitalization efforts are the initiatives now in place to more fully equip and empower laypersons as they seek to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
Rev. Sheila Fiorella, in her second year as pastor, is excited about the changes she’s seeing within the church. “We just started experimenting,” she said. “I shared with the leadership team that my priorities were Christ, worship and evangelism.”
A renewed focus on young people is part of the disciple making revitalization efforts underway at First Watauga. As this photo shows, sometimes you have to crawl inside your bubble to engage in some out of the box transformation.
Sheila said she encourages church members to “start new adventures, following the call God has placed on their hearts.”
The church has launched a New Day Worship Experience on Wednesday evenings and has begun to air some of its worship services on Facebook Live. New fellowship opportunities are also offered, including women’s luncheons designed for worship, support and encouragement, plus a young adult ministry established by one of the young adults in the congregation. The church also seeks to partner with the school district and Texas Health Resources to address mental and behavioral health issues within the community.
The CTC's WIG of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world is in full force at First Watauga for God is on the move and at work in the church, Sheila said. “Pleasing God is our motivation, as well as leading new people to the Christ we know and love.”
For more about the church, visit fumcow.com or facebook.com/WataugaUnitedMethodist.