Engaging Our Communities- A New CTC Video Narrative

December 04, 2019

Meeting people where they are and offering them the love of Jesus Christ is not a new concept. Not is our mission as stated in the CTC’s Wildly Important Goal of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. It is the same mission that Jesus gave us in His Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

One of the leading factors in our 20 consecutive months of growth in average worship attendance is that our local churches – often led by forming New Faith Communities – are focused on actively going out into their communities and meeting people where they are, accepting for them for who are and welcoming them as Christ welcomes us all. It's pretty incredible what happens when we embrace our community and in this short video, we hear from faith communities from across the CTC who are reaching out, meeting people where they are and embracing change in their efforts to make disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world.