Developing New Leaders - A New CTC Video Narrative

February 06, 2020

A primary and vital role of a leader is to articulate a vision of a preferred future, then engage other people in actioning that vision. Lay and Clergy leaders in The United Methodist Church are called to engage others in our mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world – a mission that requires new leaders to help us engage new people on new ways. One of Bishop Lowry’s Big 3 priorities has been/is/will continue to be the development of new leaders in the church, which is why many of the ministries and organization of the CTC focus on leadership development. One of those ministries is the Conference Council on Youth Ministries (CCYM) a group of young leaders who just happened to put on one of their annual Mid-Winter retreats, which brings together youth from all across the conference for a time of praise, fellowship and spiritual growth.
CCYM is a collection of youth (6th-12th grade) and adults from around the conference that works together in developing leadership in themselves, but also in planning and preparing for each year's Mid-Winter Retreat at Glen Lake Camp. CCYM gives the youth of all ages the opportunity to come together and work collectively to a common goal and has helped to launch many Christ-focused careers as lawyers, engineers, law enforcement officials, business people and pastors – just to name a few. Please take a few moments to hear from a few of this year’s CCYM leaders as learn how this ministry is helping them shape their future.