CTC Youth in Mission - A New Faith Community WIG Video Narrative

August 27, 2019

CTCYM brings more than 1,400 youth and adults together to put Christian faith into action by answering Christ's call to be His hands and feet in service to the world in need. Year after year, churches all over the Central Texas Conference partner with each other to extend Christ's caring through building wheelchair ramps, painting houses, and helping food pantries and clothing organizations, we live into our Wildly Important Goal (WIG) to Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World.

The Central Texas Conference's Wildly Important Goal (or WIG) is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. One of the most successful ways we have been doing this for years is with the vital ministry of CTCYM that enables us to live our Wildly Important Goal across the Central Texas Conference of United Methodist Church. 

Please watch the following short WIG video narrative to learn more about one of the many ways CTCYM brings more than 2,000 youth and adults together to put Christian faith into action

CTCYM Senior High Mission Trip - A CTC WIG Making Disciples Narrative from Central Texas Conference UMC on Vimeo.