Clifton UMC's Dinner Church Breaks Bread and New Discipleship Ground

March 08, 2019

by Rachel & Spencer Driver
There are many churches in Clifton—including two Lutheran churches right next to each other. These churches can meet needs of those who attend church on Sunday mornings, those who attend church because their friends go to church, and those who attend church because their ancestors have attended church. Still, some needs go unmet because even with the plethora of churches in town, there are those who don’t have a church home. There are many reasons why people do not attend church regularly: they have work schedule conflicts; they do not feel welcome or are uncomfortable attending a traditional worship service; maybe they have been hurt by the church in the past; the list goes on.  

Spencer and Rachel Driver (third and fouth to the right above) are assisted by volunteers from FUMC Clifton to help introduce Jesus Christ to the people of Clifton who don't have a church home.
As a local church, we need to recognize the needs going unmet and create opportunities to meet them in our community.
FUMC Clifton set out to meet some of those needs by creating a dinner church that would meet regularly at Breaking Bread, one of Clifton’s local restaurants. As far as anyone can recall, this is the first “Dinner Church” in Clifton. Dinner church is an extension ministry of FUMC Clifton to benefit the Clifton community. The focus of Dinner Church is to teach about Jesus and grow in him together. The format is an hour of fellowship, scripture, conversation and worship. Dinner Church currently meets monthly and hope to eventually meet weekly. Rachel and Spencer Driver and volunteers facilitate evenings.
Dinner Church has met twice and people who have attended are refreshed and energized by this different style of church. We are so excited to see God’s work in Dinner Church and the Clifton community!