Wesley Back to School - A New Faith Community WIG Video Narrative

September 04, 2019

The 2019-2020 academic year is in full swing all across Central Texas, which includes all the colleges and universities as well. This means the fantastic Campus Ministries of the CTC are also in full swing as they effort to provide a fun and welcoming place for students to meet Jesus and grow in their faith. In other words, they are actively working our WIG goals of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Many of our Wesley Foundations and other student ministries on Central Texas Campuses have been actively engaging with new and returning students since “Move In Day” on campus with the goal of welcoming the students and inviting them to explore a relationship with the Wesley.
When asked “Why the Wesley?” a student at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, TX stated, "The one thing that the Wesley has done for me that I simply can't find anywhere else is the way that Jesus is so accessible to these people (college students)." Through worship nights, free lunches, popsicles and popcorn, bible studies and much more, these vital campus ministries are actively growing the next generation of leaders in the church and are enthusiastically living into our Wildly Important Goal (WIG) of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. 
Please watch the following short WIG video narrative to learn more about the emerging leaders and vital ministry that happens at Wesley Foundations and other Campus Ministries in the Central Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church, and catch a short glimpse at the fun they have along the way.