Bishop Saenz's Quick Insight Surveys Open Thru Feb. 25

February 02, 2022

Bishop Saenz is inviting the people of the CTC to complete a very short survey so that he might gain some valuable insights as to how clergy and laity feel about their churches, ministries and conference – what we do well and where we believe we have opportunities to do more.
Bishop Saenz sees the work happening in the Central Texas Conference as THE work Christ and the church have called him to this season. He feels it is vital for that calling to learn about the people, churches, ministries and small groups of the Conference - what clergy and laity think their congregation does well and where the opportunities are for improvement. Likewise, it is equally as crucial to know what are the perceived strengths of the Conference overall, and how it can be better.
One of the ways he hopes to quickly learn how clergy and congregations view their church and the conference is via a couple of very brief surveys – one for clergy; one for congregations (which clergy are invited to complete as well). The links to those surveys are below and on the conference website. Please take a few moments before Feb. 25, 2022 to prayerfully and thoughtfully complete the Clergy Survey and/or the very brief Congregational Survey .  
Click on the video below to hear more from Bishop Saenz.