BELIEVE: A Lenten Study with Bishop Saenz - Sixth Sunday in Lent from John 14:1-4 "Don't Let Your Hearts Be Troubled"

April 01, 2023

Bishop Saenz focuses his sixth Sunday in Lent BELIEVE reflection on how Jesus calms the troubled hearts of his disciples during the Passover meal that is now commonly known as the Last Supper.
As Jesus' hour of betrayal, suffering, and death on the cross was at hand, he gets his affairs in order before his departure by gathering his disciples for a private and intimate supper. A main purpose of the gathering was to prepare the disciples for what lay ahead so they would not "stumble" or "fall away" from their faith in him and his life-giving promises. In the video reflection below, Bishop Saenz touches on the seven ways he ministered to and prepared his disciples during the final moments before his betrayal.
  1. Jesus demonstrated his love and provided a model for servant leadership by washing their feet.
  2. He shares the unvarnished truth about the group’s brokenness and weakness of faith.
  3. He helps the disciples look to tomorrow to see hope beyond the grief of the crucifixion.
  4. Jesus welcomes and answers the disciple's questions.
  5. He gives the disciples a mission while they wait for his return.
  6. He promises the disciples spiritual presence, power, and provision.
  7. Jesus shares his inner peace with them, bids them to be courageous, and prays to God for their protection.