A Simple Way In

March 21, 2019

How playing ball and taking time to let a child read to you can be an easy way to introduce Jesus into someone’s life.
by Vance Morton
 A few weeks ago, Trinity United Methodist Church of Arlington held a "Play Day" for area children. The event drew a little more than forty kids to the west Arlington church’s campus from various places around the community, such as the Arlington Life Shelter, the Salvation Army, domestic violence centers and apartment complexes around Arlington. For several, if not most of the children, this "Play Day" represented one of only a handful of times that these kids could simply be kids and get to freely run around and play.
Children from all across Arlington were welcomed onto the Trinity UMC campus for a day of fun. In the midst of all the play, a little disciple making also occurred..
Overseeing and (making regular attempts at) organizing the hyper-frenzy of all-day basketball games, gaga ball matches and nine square tournaments, was Rev. Kevin Anderson, associate pastor/director of sports ministries for Trinity Arlington UMC. The day was filled with fun, laughter and more than a touch of controlled chaos. However, for all the fun that was had by all the children, it was one very special, kind of quiet moment which sticks with Rev. Anderson.
“I went to get my bible off the stage to mark my place for the lunch devotional,” Kevin explained. “This little girl named Zoey ran up to me and asked what I was reading. I told her I was reading my Bible and she asked if she could read to me. Of course, I let her and she began to read about the Fruits of the Spirit. Once she was done reading, she asked if she could read to me again after lunch.”

Sports and the play-day had become a simple, safe and welcome way into a chat about scripture and Jesus. “In all the craziness that was going on, this little girl simply wanted to read the bible and learn more about God.
“I truly believe that each of us can share the gospel in that way,” Kevin continued. “Find a way in with anyone and everyone you meet so that you can share the good news. There is too much at stake for us to leave it to someone else. Find a way in with those that you meet so you can share the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
What simple ways do you know/have you discovered to share the Gospel with anyone you meet? Visit ctcumc.org/wigstories and/or send an email to susancraig@ctcumc.org or vancemorton@ctcumc.org and share your story.
Read more from Kevin on the Trinity play-day and how it helped him find a simple way to begin making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world at http://revkevinanderson.blogspot.com/2019/03/whats-your-way-in.html