FUMC Crowley Messy Church - A CTC WIG New Faith Community

September 18, 2019

The Central Texas Conference's Wildly Important Goal (or WIG) is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. One of the most effective and exciting ways we do this by launching New Places for New People to get to meet and know God through His son Jesus Christ. Something the CTC calls New Faith Communities. A few months ago, First United Methodist Church in Crowley, TX started one of these New Faith Community to reach out to its community in a new way called "Messy Church." 


Each month at FUMC Crowley, people of all ages come together to play, create, and learn new things about God. Gabby McKay, a youth volunteer at Messy Church, comes each month because "I can be here, and I can do this." Messy Church allows the community not to watch someone else do ministry, but to participate in ministry together actively. Jenna Reinke, the Youth and Family Director, says many of the people that attend Messy Church are unchurched. "Church" hurt these people in the past, but, Messy Church provides an opportunity to be in ministry again. Please take a minute to watch the short video below about the Messy Church ministry at FUMC Crowley. 


Messy Church is an initiative that began in England that:

  • is a way of "being church" for families that incorporates a lot of fun;
  • is a church, not a craft club, that helps people encounter Jesus as Lord and Savior
  • is found across the world
  • places a high value on being Christ-centered, for all ages, based on creativity, hospitality, and celebration 
  • is part of The Bible Reading Fellowship which believes, with the historic churches, in one God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.